Saturday, January 23, 2010

Clogs and Blogs

Yesterday around 10:00 in the morning I was puttering around in my house getting ready to go upstairs to sew when my portable phone rang. It was the organist from our church. "Are you coming to play bridge?" she said. I was taken off guard as she had said she would call if she found a fourth and I had not heard from her since. So, I went into first gear and by 10:30 I was parking in front of her house which is about 3 miles east of here.

After I returned home I was again puttering around in my kitchen in a pair of mules while I waited for my neighbor to come over to pick up a stamp she needed for a letter. I was doing some routine cleaning in my kitchen and noticed that the plastic can I keep fruit and veggie scraps in needed to be emptied into my compost pile outside. We have had a lot of rain and to get to the compost bin I had to go over a slightly muddy spot. Not wanting to muddy my house mules, I went to the "tater" box where I keep my outside work shoes and I got my favorite bright pink clogs. They are perfect for wearing outdoors when I want to scoot out and back in a hurry.

Let me explain the clogs. They came from my daughter (several years ago ) who likes to keep me current on important things like the new and useful. Also I will explain the "tater" box. It is actually a small stand with a lid which lifts up and etched in the wood are the words, "taters". My good friend of forty years ago brought it to me when she visited me at some point in the 1970's. I keep it by my back door and it is a handy place to keep things for outdoor use, mostly shoes.

These things set my mind to thinking of the many changes taking place in our way of living. While at the bridge table yesterday we heard a musical sound and one of the ladies (another 80 year old transplant from Connecticut) picked up her purse and withdrew a flat electronic item and said "someone is texting me".

I can remember when kids played "telephone" with two cans connected with string. Why we ever thought we could hear with those things from a distance of 40 feet is a mystery to me. It brings up a point as now we pick up a small electronic wireless devise and talk to people from distances unimaginable at the time of our cans and strings.

And how we would have marveled at heelless plastic shoes with holes in them which can be hosed off if they become muddy. Even sophisticated adults are surprised to see me in my bright pink clogs. My neighbor from California came by one day and he looked at my bright pinks and then at his dark green clogs and said "Hmmm". I just laughed as I knew what he was thinking.

So, from clogs to blogs to texting and wireless cell phones, we are living in a different world and Buck Rogers would feel right at home.

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