Monday, October 20, 2014

Those Teen Years and Beyond

I recently heard a lady say she was looking for a mommy and a daddy.  When I asked why?  She said it was for her thirteen year old daughter.  I had to laugh as she said it so succinctly.  Any parent of teen age children will know what I mean.  I was in that same position quite a few years ago.  I was talking to a friend and she reminded me of something that I had not thought of.  She said your daughter is only in the middle of her life; She is not at the end.  In other words, relax and let her struggle with her own teen age problems.  I did and I could not be more pleased with  how she developed into the person that she has become.

Every person is born with his/her own set of tools to cope with life.  If  a parent can be  supportive, patient,  understanding, and allow  his child to make decisions on his own, he is more likely to go in the direction which is uniquely his. That is, one which is most likely to be successful for his well being. That is not to say we ignore them.  We are always meant to be alert and watch for stumbling blocks.

Each little bird needs the shadow of his mother's wings in case he falters but he himself must flex his own muscles for himself if he is ever to learn to fly on his own.  I often think of one of the richest and most compassionate men in this country.  He parents must have thought he had lost his mind when he wanted to leave high school and pursue his passion for electronic devises,  and do it in the garage of their home. But they were there ready with their steady wings and allowed him to pursue his passion.

He did it his way and he did it very well indeed.  Now he is one of the world's greatest contributors to humanitarian causes.  If his parents had suppressed his passion to do it his way we might have lost a very valuable member of  society.

Having young people grow into the kind of individuals we want to encourage in this world is a universal concern.  And it does not end at sixteen.  It continues way beyond.  So, take a deep breath and let your bird flex his wings while you are near at hand to assist if need be.

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