Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The White Horse

Jim Gallow loved horses.  He liked to ride them and feed them and even took Bonnie with him on their first date to ride horses at Stone Mountain Park in Georgia.  Since he loved horses he thought Bonnie would too.  She endured a ride on a gentle one but never let him know it was not her thing.  She probably was fearful because she had not been properly introduced to them.

Jim and Bonnie both enjoyed photography and belong to a photo club.  They went on several out of state photo trips with their group.  Some of their photo shoots were local.  It was on such a trip that Jim took a picture of a white horse.  He did some work on the photo to get the shadows he liked and  when I first saw it, I just fell in love with it.  I like black and white photos and this one just spoke to me in a special way.  I even wrote a poem about it as I could feel his personality in the look in his eye and the general appearance of this large gentle animal.

My doctor likes horses too and has several of them on her ranch.   She enjoys riding them and it is a   relaxing time for her.  For a long time I had wanted to have this photo framed to give to her, for she had met Jim but I doubt they discussed horses, as they met on a visit I had made to her office.

Today I finally accomplished my plan to give her a picture of this noble beast all framed and ready to place on her wall, in her home or in her office.  Below is the poem that I wrote about this picture around three years ago.

Mysterious Figure

You live in black and white
My eyes are drawn to you

Solid, strong, keeping guard
Eying the situation

Guarding my attention
Keeping me in your sights

Your strength is evident
In your very stance

Your fine mane flying
In the breeze of life

The light of your truth and purity
Highlights your character

You are permanently in my soul
Can you possible know

That I treasure you?

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