Sunday, October 21, 2012

Martha Says: Use Vinegar

I hear about cooking ideas all the time and usually I just file the idea away and  then it may come back to me later.  Recently I stumbled upon Martha Stewart on television doing her online cooking class.  She was showing different ways to cook eggs.  She was using eggs grown on her estate and of course they were fresh and naturally fed via free range or organic food.  One of the ideas hit me as worth trying, so I did.  I share it now as it really does make the egg taste better cooked by her vinegar/boil method.

First she got a small pot of water up to a fast boil, then while boiling she added a little vinegar, then promptly cracked an egg into the boiling water.  I have forgotten what chemical action caused it to happen  but the white immediated began to gather itself  into shape and in about three minutes it was removed with a slotted spoon and placed on a plate.

When I tried it , I had to have a couple of runs to get it right but even after the first try the egg white had a much improved taste.  For about three cups of water I used almost 1/4 cup of white vinegar and let it boil about 2.1/2 minutes.  My water comes from a deep well and I think has a much better taste than the common faucet water in a city.

For breakfast this morning I had cheese grits, the vinegar boil eggs and sliced mellow, green delicious apples.  It was a fine breakfast and I choose not to have the yolks but I did taste them and they had a better flavor also.  So, if you are tired of corn flakes you may like to try Martha's trick.

This vinegar method reminds me of the first time I had breakfast at my new husband's home.  His mother also raised chickens for eggs and she prepared for my breakfast eggs cooked in hot bacon grease.  They were delicious but I am not so sure about the health aspects of her method.  I think Martha's way is far healthier.  So, if you are a vegetarian or just aspire to eat healthier, I recommend the vinegar egg method, and it has definitely been tested and tried by me, as recently as this morning in October , the 21st.

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