Friday, May 18, 2012

Putting Life On Hold

There are times in life when we are forced to stop everything and handle the problem at hand.  It may be an illness in the family, an illness of our own, or an external situation over which we have no control, but it interferes with us forging ahead with our own dream which is beckoning to us.  It happens all the time to each of us.  Some of the things that stop us cold may be fairly minor, but it can be something really major and could go on for years.  It may go on for so long that you forget it  was there in the first place.

If you need to post reminders it may not be all that life altering.  It may be a gentle, mental tugging that crops up from time to time and you just can't settle on a beginning.  I have heard of authors who have ideas for books but just cannot find time to get it off the ground.  When James Michener died, he was 91 and he had ideas for 30 books he wanted to write.  He did write enough to let us know he was great at his craft.

Winston Churchill made a speech during World War II, that inspired the nation of Great Britain to hang on and hang in to defeat the enemy, Nazi Germany.  It was October 29th, 1941 and he was visiting Harrow School after the Blitz.  The war was looking up a little for Great Britain.  The long remembered part "Never give in.  Never give in, never, never, never, never..."  was a rallying call to the people of Great Britain, to defend their country through some very bad times.

If you have a dream which has been pushed back until a better time, examine it again.  Perhaps it is finally doable.  Do something positive to get it moving again.  If it is a good idea, test it out to see if you are ready to go forward with it.  It just may be a very satisfying event waiting to happen in your life.  Be inspired by Winston Churchill, never give in, find a way to make your dream happen, at least give it a try.

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