Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pat Yourself On The Back

These words are directed to anyone who has a paying job.  It is also for anyone who is responsible  for some  endeavor, which has no pay check attached to it.  Have you been receiving "Attaboys" for the myriad of things you do in that job.  I doubt it.  It would be impossible for anyone else to know all of the many things you do throughout the day, and perhaps into the night, to be successful in what you do.

Every job is important, it only varies in the weight of consequences.  Brain surgery carries a heavy weigh indeed.  Properly pruning a flowering shrub has consequences, but far less noticeable.  Think about your own job and all of the things you do to accomplish harmony in your day.  Do you reward yourself after a job well done?  Probably you are too busy to stop and think about it.  But at the end of a day, or week, or a month, when you receive that pay check, find a way to pat yourself on the back.

The way you reward yourself will be different from the way someone else finds satisfaction.  A small effort may call for a rest, a cup of coffee, or a quick coke.  A longer effort could be a good book, or box of fine chocolates as a reward.

Think about the way you felt when someone has said, "Good Job", or "I like the way you handled that situation".  It is only human nature to want affirmation from another person.  When you are happy about something you have accomplished, a word, or smile from someone is like icing on the cake.

Perhaps you have someone in your life who can give you those pats on the back.  If not, I urge you to do it for yourself, and to do it for others.  You may soon forget what you did, but the one you encourage will not forget, and the encouragement can last a lifetime.

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