Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Things I Learned Today

First off, I learned that there is something called brake dust. This came to light when I was out helping Jim wash my car. He had it well underway when I went out to join him. When I asked what I could do, he showed me how to use a degreaser on the hub caps. He remarked that a spray for brake dust was recommended but this spray did just as good a job. As usual, I challenge any new idea he brings up, and I though he was teasing again. But he was not and went to the computer (source for quick affirmation) and printed out the definition of brake dust, and how it is produced. You can look it up too, if you are interested.

Next, I learned why I was not succeeding at repairing a leaky toilet. Who would have thought that there is a male and female part that must mesh perfectly in order for the tank to fill up with water, awaiting the next flush. Leaning over the tank and watching the repair job, I learned more than I wanted to know, but in the end I understand now what keeps the water in the tank.

I learned that I do not particularly like Goudam cheese melted on bread with sauerkraut and grilled into a sandwich. Jim took one bite and declared emphatically that he did not like it at all. I ate it anyway, and survived. I do not plan on trying it again however.

While downing this strange concoction, I was reading a short story by William Saroyan, written around 1952. Wanting to know more about him I went to the quick source of all knowledge and read up on this interesting, prolific writer who would not accept the Pulitzer Prize for his play The Time of Your Life. He said, "Commerce should not patronize Art," and added, "it is no more great or good than anything else I have written." I was bemused by the many quotes from him and found myself agreeing with the wisdom of most of them. I think I dig this man, who must have felt himself a citizen of the world. One quote from The Time of Your Life, sums it up "Be the inferior of no man, nor of any man be the superior."

Today I also made an exciting discovery. About seven years ago I planted some spring blooming bulbs which had never bloomed in all those years. I do not remember the name of them but the name "Snowdrops" comes to mind. As I was polishing away on my car my eyes fell on the green blades from this bulb. Imagine my delight when I saw some blooms. They looked like nothing I had ever seen before and they were not white like a Snowdrop bloom. I took a picture, right then, and sent it to the extension office in Cumming. About three weeks ago l had talked to the agent there, asking if he could help me with these bulbs which had never bloomed. He told me to send a picture. I had not gotten around to doing that, but did so right then. I will report back when I know more, but I felt like I had won the lottery. May I wish for you as exciting as day as mine has been.

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