Monday, February 28, 2011


This morning, for the first time this year, I got into my golf cart and ventured up to the mailbox. I had letters that needed to go out and it is so pleasant outdoors so I was also tempted to ride through the vineyard and check on things there. The Muscadine vines are not leafed out but the buds look promising. The Niagara grape vine is still alive but not ready to prove it. I did pull some weeds and dried grass from around the cage that encircles it just to encourage it.

Some bright yellow blooms are all along the forsythia bushes which Bruce and Reed helped to plant. They will continue to grow larger and one day there will be a wall of yellow behind the vines near the entrance. There is plenty of separation between them so neither should feel crowded.

The two pear trees are putting out green leaves. I hope to beat the squirrels to some of them this year. I wonder if they are stealing them for the pit inside. But maybe they just like pears, or better yet, they are just responding to instinct - save anything for winter.

I am tempted to count the daffodils in front. The King Alfred are the tallest and with a paler yellow bloom they stand out against the deep yellow, shorter daffodils surrounding them. Nothing else is coming up in that bed but it will in time. What I am looking forward to are the Calla Lilies.

Behind the Cedar House and to the side, periwinkle is making a blue carpet with it's dainty blue flowers. That is a pretty sight to see where nothing else is blooming.

All around are surprises. The Daphne I planted at the northeast corner of the house is loaded with white, very fragrant blooms. I had to bend over to get the full effect of the fragrance and it was heavenly. I have heard that folks plant it by their door so they can smell it coming and going. Perhaps when the sun has a chance to shine on it the fragrance will come wafting up and around the bush.

Just a whiff of that Daphne had an intoxicating effect on me. It made me want to go out to the red camellia and cut more blooms for my table. I have other choices for a table arrangement at this time. The Saucer Magnolia is opening up and I saw some down low enough for me to reach. The lavender outside of the blooms with the stark white on the inside make it pure joy to see.

If you, where you are living have not yet seen the transformation that spring will bring, be patient. It will come and you will be as pleased and intoxicated as I am down here in zone 7. You too, will have a renewal of spirit and enthusiasm for the out of doors. If you have never planted before, please do, you are in for a soul satisfying experience.

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