Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Saved by the Muffin

In times of stress we need to have an anchor to get us through the ordeal. I recall saying to my mother, when I was a very little girl; If I were stranded on an island and had only one thing to drink, I would want pineapple juice. My practical German mother replied " You had better choose water, you would get very tired of pineapple juice".

Today I am not stranded on an island, but I am stranded inside my house with frozen snow all around me. Getting through this confinement I have much to keep me occupied. Thankfully, I still have electric power, but that could change. Until and unless it does I have the computer, books to read, friends to talk to via the phone and email. Last, but not least, I have comfort food.

It is not pineapple juice this time, it is pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips in them. And along with it, hot Lemon Zinger tea!  I make it in a little white tea pot given to me when I was visiting in Ohio at my sister retirement home. I was intrigued with the little tea pots that the servers brought to our table. I had Lemon Lift tea at every meal while I was there. I wanted to buy a little tea pot but the managers there wanted to give me one. It has been a treasure to me since then.

In thinking about this imposed confinement, I can say that the anticipation before it arrived held me captive. The actual snow came in while I was sleeping. I peeked out around midnight and saw that indeed it had arrived. By morning it was all here in full force. It looked like 6 inches, judging from the snow piled up on the top of my golf cart. The first day, I was in a state of shock. I kept looking out and being thankful I did not have to actually GO out. All of the warnings from television and radio announcers was enough to keep me in. Also the thought of sliding all over the road made me thankful to stay inside.

On the second day the shock had worn off and then a state of adjustment began to take over. Since we (all other Georgians) were confined at the same time it was time to settle down and drink more tea, eat more muffins, and read more books.

As the dire reports began to come in ( it will be this way all week - if not worse), a sense of resignation took over. The expression "it is what it is" comes to mind.
So be it. It could be worse! Hopefully I will remain well and just keep on with the routine I have established. My ancestors endured much more and came through it all unscathed. Surely I can do the same in the comfort of a warm house !

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