Friday, June 18, 2010

Wasted Life

Early this morning while I and most of the people in America were sleeping, a rare occurrence took place in the state of Utah. A killer was killed by firing squad. His daughter spoke about his agreement with the death penalty. He agreed that he should have this punishment. His disagreement was that it took so long to take place. Perhaps his lawyers prolonged the process by using appeals. For whatever reasons that it was delayed, he felt it should have happened sooner not years later. Perhaps it should have been after his first murder, but at that time he killed his second victim, while trying to escape. So, he certainly did not have that attitude after his first crime.

The story I saw about him stated that he had a troubled upbringing. Now, I do not know what kind of an upbringing he had. Unless he had been born with a criminal mind, a natural psychopath, then there is blame elsewhere. But who or what is to blame? The answer may be so convoluted that no one thing or person brought him to this end.

Can this sort of thing be prevented in the future. Yes and no, irresponsible people will continue to bear children. There will always be people with no plan or preparation on how to provide a stable and loving home.

Can others play a part in providing a stable and loving environment for children who need it. Of course, they do it all the time. Most parents are doing a great job of rearing children. Many organizations and civic minded persons use their time and money to help children grow into healthy reliable citizens. Could such efforts be redoubled. Yes. Could others be alert for opportunities to play such a role. Yes. I know of many who do just that and I feel sure that you do too.

Our government plays a part in helping families when they are in trouble. Perhaps on a local level there is a helpful idea yet to come forth. Many adults who have retired, use their time to act as mentors for young children. The schools are happy to have adults participate in mentoring situations. Students at risk are identified and flagged for help. Since all children enter the schools at an early age there is plenty of opportunity to be a part of the solution. If you feel so inclined to help you will be welcomed. You can even say that I sent you.! But, if we all are alert to ways in which we can affirm children, that is a step forward.

While we lament a wasted life we are not helpless to steer others in a different direction.

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