Sunday, November 22, 2009

Birthday Event

Yesterday I left my two charges, Rocky and Cujo, and drove down to Snellville where my son, his two boys and their mother live. When I arrived at my son's home the birthday boy was asleep. He requires frequent naps to be at the top of his game. I had a little chat with my son and second grandson until Grant awakened. The moment his father heard him upstairs he sprinted from the room to get him in his shower and dressed for his own birthday party.

The party was scheduled at his mother's home a few blocks away and was a real surprise party. My second grandson, now 17 and driving, drove my car over to his Mom's. When we entered the house all was quiet. We walked back to the living room area and when Grant got to the quiet room, everyone shouted out "surprise" !!!! He was really not expecting this, which was the idea !!

Gathered there were his last four baby sitters, or play friends or nanny, which ever label fits. Also some special neighbors who have known him for so long. After greetings all around his mother began to set out the birthday cake and extra cheese cakes, etc. Usually there is one cake but she had choices. It all looked so tempting but I settled on white cake with raspberry filling.

In the adjoining room, called the music room as Reed the oldest, plays his cello there and the piano is there also, was a shiny new bicycle with a huge bow on the handlebars. Grant did not notice it in his eagerness to show the pet parrot to his friends. The parrot was in his cage and stayed there during the party. This was a mixed group with two toddlers, one four year old, one five year old and one not yet born. It all worked so well as Grant is Mr. Personality and blends in nicely with any age. Among his gifts were a gift card, money in a pine cone disguised as a turkey, a "doctor" shirt (as he likes to pretend he is a doctor with his stethoscope and accompanying medicine bag). Also a bicycle guard cap with red streaks on it. This from his brother. Games, book, and some gifts from the lunch room lady which they left at his home.

Grant is mesmerized with Hannah Montana. He likes to play pretend games with her as the focus. He likes her music and the idea of having her as a best friend. This is a well known fact and the school lady had given him a soft purple boot pillow with Hanna's logo on it. It is all a game and I think he knows it but he is so full of life it seems right.

Grant has a phenomenal memory and will long remember this day which so many people lovingly shared with him. This his 13th birthday has been a long journey which is still in progress. It has been a struggle for his parents and his brother who will be leaving home next year to attend college.

At the party I talked to the mother of one of his sitters. She was a teacher whom I met when we were both teachers at the same school. I was telling her a story of when Grant was still crawling and not yet vocalizing. He was on the carpet in front of a sofa. Reed and I were sitting on the sofa and having a popcorn snack. The television was on a kiddie program. Grant was watching us and I was watching him. He suddenly said to me " I want up there". I was so surprised to hear him speak as I had not heard him vocalise at all. So, I picked him up and sat him with us and fed him small easy pieces of popcorn. It has been a long history of speech lessons and appointments with specialists to help him grow and develop. It has taken much patience and love from his parents to help him reach this point in life. So entering his teen years was indeed an occasion for celebration. The journey is not over, the special sessions will continue, the support and love will continue, and Grant's engaging personality will bind us to him in many ways.

This is a story of coping when life takes a turn not expected. When a child is born with a genetic anomaly which is new to you. A lot must be learned and strength which seems out of reach is deep inside ready to be tapped. A child who spends his childhood trying to catch up, who knows only one way of living. Hopefully all such children with Prader Willi Syndrome will find a family who can be supportive and loving and kind to help in his/her journey.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Grant had a wonderful birthday, Rose. He is Mr. Congeniality, isn't he? :-)

